We consider others first.


Humility is a hard one. By claiming humility as a value, it almost feels like you are disqualified from being humble!

As a church, this simply means that we consider others first. It’s both a posture and an attitude. Scripture talks again and again about the Lord humbling the proud, but exalting those who are humble. This is hard as we live in a world that tells us to live for ourselves and pursue the riches, honors, and pleasures of this life… but the word says “in humility consider others better than yourself.”

humility in action

Having humility as one of our core values also means that we submit ourselves to God’s word. Culture has so much good and valuable perspective. In the spirit of flexibility and desire to be inclusive, it is tempting to filter much of God’s word through the eyes of culture… but we believe that Gods word is both divine and alive. That means that we submit our lives, our church and our perspectives to the living word of God.